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Workshop Social Intelligence and

Emotional Management

Emotional and Social Intelligence Workshop

Emotional and Social Intelligence Workshop is a module which includes a few other sub-modules, aims to provide inspiration in making the workplace more positive and emotionally better.

By applying social intelligence and EQ at work, it is able to convert the unhealthy working environment to a healthier and more productive working environment. Understand EQ and how to use them will also give an advantage in conflict resolution more effectively without emotional harm to any party, in achieving consensus indecision-making is a module which includes a few other sub-modules, aims to provide inspiration in making the workplace more positive and emotionally better.

Program Objective  

Emotional and Social Intelligence Workshop uses an interactive and creative learning approach which helps the participant to:

  • To learn and understand SIEM and how it helps nurture a more positive and productive working environments.
  • Learn and understand the social emotions and how to manage them.
  • Understand the role of EQ in daily life and how EQ can help to create a better life.
  • Learn how to manage stress and as well as managing emotional hijacking.
  • Learn how certain changes may open up for new opportunities using EQ
    method of reframing situation.
  • Discovering the application of Social Intelligence in communication and how it helps in making communication more effectively
  • To improve the teamwork and organisation.

Emotional Intelligence is a must have skill for everybody
as it can be develop into a tool to manage emotion in the workplace, and obtain a healthy working environment

What Your Will Learn

  • Modul 1: My EQ + Your EQ
  • Modul 2: Handling Emotions at Work
  • Module 3: Social Intelligence (SQ)
  • Module 4: Communication with SIEM
  • Module 5: SIEM & Key Performance

Target Group

This programme designed for:

  • Professional and Management Group
  • New managers
  • Executives & team leaders


  • 2 days (16 hours)


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